Dynamic Routing and Static Regeneration

2 min read

Until now, trying to style an article, document, or blog post with Tailwind has been a tedious task that required a keen eye for typography and a lot of complex custom CSS.

By default, Tailwind removes all of the default browser styling from paragraphs, headings, lists and more. This ends up being really useful for building application UIs because you spend less time undoing user-agent styles, but when you really are just trying to style some content that came from a rich-text editor in a CMS or a markdown file, it can be surprising and unintuitive.

We get lots of complaints about it actually, with people regularly asking us things like:

The plugin is our attempt to give you what you actually want, without any of the downsides of doing something stupid like disabling our base styles.

It adds a new class that you can slap on any block of vanilla HTML content and turn it into a beautiful, well-formatted document:

<article class="prose">
  <h1>Garlic bread with cheese: What the science tells us</h1>
    For years parents have espoused the health benefits of eating garlic bread
    with cheese to their children, with the food earning such an iconic status
    in our culture that kids will often dress up as warm, cheesy loaf for
    But a recent study shows that the celebrated appetizer may be linked to a
    series of rabies cases springing up around the country.